I set myself a very achievable writing goal at the start of 2024 – to write at least one blog a month. I knew this was manageable and secretly thought it would urge me to write more so I set it as a starting point. I’ve just sat down to write the post for February and – sorry what?!- we’re at the end of March!
How did this happen?
It’s a common topic of conversation throughout this course of life, how bloody fast time goes by. When young the school holidays which seemed so endless at the beginning were soon over and we were back at our desks copying the teachers letters compiling a story about our holidays and how much we crammed into this space in time. University went by in a flash and now each year when the Facebook memories appear I gasp at how many years have gone by since those great times. Travels seemed like they were going to last forever during the planning phase but ended so soon – now the photos and life long friendships are the remaining cherished treasure from those times.
I’d now consider myself a real adult and I hear myself frequently commenting on the speed that the weeks fly by, the months and the years.
‘Doesn’t time fly? It is so scary.’ I think we say this once a day, at least.
Really there is one thing we can take from this daily observation and that is to enjoy every speck of time that we get. Because that really is it. A speck. In the grand scheme of things. Sounding dark? Hear me out…
Rather than complaining about work each day, enjoy the five seconds it takes to lock the house before leaving in the morning listening to the spring time birdsong. The natural world waking up! Enjoy that extra minute in bed. Soak in the fresh air as you walk the length of your driveway to your car. Embrace the twenty minute commute before the pressure of the working world hits you. Sing the loudest you’ve ever sung and dance inside your head.
Bask in that three hour phone call with an old friend you’ve not spoken to in forever. The laundry can wait. Extend that thirty second smile when you receive a lovely message. Hold on for that minute longer in hugs with those you love. When your home is filled with those you hold close for an entire afternoon, immerse yourself in that feeling and bottle it up, put the lid tightly on. Keep it.
Love the moment of silence before anybody else gets home in the evening. Equally adore walking into a home full of people!
Don’t just look out and notice the lighter evenings – grin. The biggest grin that you have and go out and walk into the lighter evenings. Watch as colour returns to this beautiful world.
Life is short…
…this saying is one of the truest out there. The time we have is precious. Another one that speaks deeply. If you take every second of time as a gift and truly use it, I think you’ll find your life gets so much more amazing. Whether you’re just simply being for a second, taking a minute to drink a hot cup of coffee, postponing chores for five to listen to your favourite song, spending ten minutes writing a card to a special person or going out an hour later so that you can read another chapter. Really thinking about how you use your time is something special. Each and every second of it. It’s something I’m only learning about and improving on each day, but I can already see there’s so much beauty in living this way!
Love always, H x
For links to all of my writing related stuff, my link tree is below. You can also find published work in my portfolio. My debut novel, Dear Brannagh, is available on Amazon along with the sequel Don’t Tell Jack. If you enjoy what you’re seeing here and are interested in following me on my writing journey, then please subscribe to my newsletter by filling in the form at the bottom of any page of my website. There will be plenty of giveaways, news hot off the press and an honest insight into life as an author. Thank you x