For so long now I have maintained this blog. It went from a travel diary which folks at home waited eagerly upon each new entry. Then it became a way of deciding where I want to go with my writing. Through Uni, I saw the importance of having an online presence in order to be any form of writer so I began to set myself targets of posting more.
I think it went from whenever I bloody felt like it to once a month to once a week to three times a week and back to once a week. Wow. To you they might just be a little snippet of life, to me they are a few hours work.
Lately life has become a little frantic to say the least, I think that’s just part of the course of growing, but I’ve changed my blogging ways and I feel so good about it. What is the point of me sitting on a Friday morning after a frantic week and delivering you a few lines of nonsense when on a Sunday morning sometimes my sparks are flowing and I produce wonders. Far more interesting to read. I have for this reason decided to put no time pattern to my posts, no ‘I will post on Friday every week’ and therefore my posts will be of much better quality and exciting to read.
Perhaps I will go weeks without posting but then I’ll be back with a gem. Perhaps I will have a particularly creative week and write to you every day.
This is the nature of writing and who better to portray this on their blog than a writer!? Some days words just don’t happen. On others you can’t shut your mind up with them overflowing out of your head. It is why my novels haven’t had strict deadlines. You need to feel creative to produce the goods.
How artsy is that?!
Book 2, Don’t Tell Jack is out. Order your copies now on Amazon!
For links to all of my writing related stuff, my link tree is below. You can also find published work in my portfolio. My debut novel, Dear Brannagh, is available on Amazon along with the sequel Don’t Tell Jack. If you enjoy what you’re seeing here and are interested in following me on my writing journey, then please subscribe to my newsletter by filling in the form at the bottom of any page of my website. There will be plenty of giveaways, news hot off the press and an honest insight into life as an author. Thank you x