I think at some point this year we’ve all been in one or more of these places… GOOGLE THE CONFUSION! Here goes…
Nearest OPEN takeaway near me…
How to wear a Facemask…
Which face coverings are acceptable?
Is it acceptable to guide others on how to wear a face mask?
What are the COVID rules?
Am I allowed to leave my house?
McDonald’s breakfast times…
Weather forecast for Sunday…
Gift ideas for cancelled weddings π
What is the recommended daily alcohol intake?
How many calories in a Corona beer?
What are the current COVID rules?
Am I allowed to leave my house?
Are we going into another lockdown?
Is it all too late?
Is Boris ok?
Does Trump really have Coronavirus?
Is this all a nightmare?
Am I allowed to leave my house?
How to drink tea with a visor on…
How to drink tea in a mask…
Amazon…BUY NOW
What did I order last night?
Am I allowed to leave my house?
(for retailers) what’s a healthy level of frustration towards someone you don’t know?
Is wine one of your five a day?
Will this ever end?
Local small business gift ideas…
Is wine an essential retailer?
Am I allowed to leave my house?
When will I get the vaccine?
Is there ever going to be any good news?
How long will this go on for?
Why did he eat a bat?
Book recommendations for lockdown?
Netflix best shows…
Is crochet difficult?
How many jigsaws in one year is the record?
Am I allowed to leave my house?
2020, we’ve all googled it!