Since when did our world get so busy? Since when did we struggle to find time? Time has always been the same length. So tell me, what happened to mine?
Since when did we start having to set reminders; to text back, to wake up, to go out to dinner, to put things away. How did life get too manic that when we finally manage to stop we don’t know what to say.
Since when did we wish for things to slow down so much that we get home and lock the doors just to escape for a while.
If someone asks us to help out in the evening, we struggle to find the energy to go that extra mile.
Since when did work engulf us and every other aspect just have to fit in? To the point where we have to book a holiday and force ourselves, force ourselves to give in.
Since technology, since globalization, since everything got faster and easier and more complicated.
All these wonderful developments in this wonderful world that are all going to end up simply hated.
It has forced us to speed up, it has forced us to cram everything into the shortest spaces of time. It has forced us to find ways out to a simpler life and a bit of peace of mind.
Sometimes, just sometimes, take a slo-mo moment from your day. Perhaps don’t even stop just slow down and notice all the good around you in so many ways.
Notice friends, notice nature, notice family, notice pets, notice sounds, notice how it feels to be alive.
It is almost too much, so often too much, but what most of us want is easy and for easy we must strive.