I think it’s safe to say – we love our NHS.
In my village each Thursday night, the clashes of saucepans and spoons is getting louder. The clapping and cheering takes over. Even trumpets play from windows. We heard the lovliest rendition of Somewhere Over The Rainbow last week, it was beautiful.
At work, we always support charities. From Saint Nichs, to Marie Curie, to the air ambulance, Macmillan and so many more – we have a very generous group of customers.
In the week a generous customer came in with bags of old style sweets. She said she’d been given them by her family for Easter, over seventy bags, and that they wouldn’t get through them all. She suggested we sold them.
I said happily, we’d sell them and then all the money could go to the NHS.
This got me thinking.
Over the time I’ve worked where I do, we have raised so much. The Macmillan bucket usually makes almost a thousand pounds yearly. The bucket we had for the Moonwalk raising money for Breast Cancer Research raised even more.
So, we got a bucket.
People are so generous and giving. I’ve had customers buy a bag of sweets and put a twenty pound note into the bucket. Others have spent four pounds and given me ten, saying to put the change in the bucket. It’s lovely.
What’s even lovlier. The children have all decorated and made posters to display around the shop. Rainbows and colours all in support of our wonderful NHS.
How lovely.