
Calm down dear, patience is a virtue

Patience. It’s a gift and talent that only some of us have been granted. It is something that has to be learnt and needs practise. I’ve not grasped this skill yet and doubt I ever will. Occasionally I impress myself but mostly I fail. I’m not the most tolerant, at certain times of the month less so than others, but at my best patience runs low.

Do you ever find yourself getting irrationally irritated at people when they’ve done nothing wrong? They come into a shop and dither slightly and you’re cursing inside your head longing for them to hurry up and leave.

Or they come back in multiple times thinking of more things that they forgot, laugh in jest and you laugh back but through gritted teeth, filled with rage. A situation that on reflection seems so mundane and your reaction completely unnecessary but you couldn’t help it, of course. Sounding familiar? Read on.

You walk down the high street behind slow moving elderly and your head is about to burst in frustration. If you were a nice human being you’d just leisurely stroll behind them, realising they’ve lost their fast moving capabilities, besides you’re usually in no rush, but you can’t do it. The anger fills your veins as you stomp past and relax as soon as you have free space in front of your steps. Nothing actually gained.

You have arguments with siblings over nothing then minutes after the outburst you regret all you said and apologise for your brashness. Almost laughing at your ridiculous behavior.

Driving is the worst. Road rage at its finest. I mean, there are plenty of idiots on the road I will give myself that, but sometimes I get overly riled needlessly. Shouting insanely at some nutter pulling out in front of me and then laughing at my melodramatic behavior a few minutes later.

Arriving at a red light that’s just turned and feeling as though you’ll be stuck there forever. I really mean forever. Cursing for it to change to amber when the time that’s past hasn’t yet equated to a minute and you’ve not got anywhere to be.

Waiting for people to finish in the bathroom on a morning. I’m sure this provokes scenes of vexation in many households. You don’t consider the fact that you’re all in the same position and have to leave early. Instead you feel as though you’re the most rushed and cannot possibly wait two more minutes for someone to finish brushing their teeth. Calm down. Really, calm down.

Perhaps you find yourself wanting to scream very loud much of the time then question whether it’s really that bad and tell yourself to stop being so bloody dramatic. I know I certainly do. Unless you’re one of those horizontal rarities that gets irritated by nothing, in which case I am jealous.

So that’s me and patience, I’m sure many of you can relate. I aim to get better at the art of restraint but for now I’ll let my frustration build and use coping mechanisms like walks and wine. I thank my lucky stars for wine.

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