
Public transport and that creative spark

Not that long ago I decided to take on a little challenge for myself and write a novel. I had already undertaken some research around another project which gave me an insight into the publishing industry and all that is involved. The responses I received from this, I guess, gave me some courage. However, what gave me the initial idea and inspiration to begin happened while sat on an open top bus in Dublin.

I sat there half taking in the interesting commentary about the city from a hilarious Irish driver, half taking in my surroundings and it was in this moment when my creativity began to flow. I thought up the perfect beginning to a novel and from that moment on I decided to write.

Thinking about this has made me realise how powerful a commute can be. It’s time spent doing nothing but travelling. Of course you can fill this empty space by listening to some music, reading a book or chatting to strangers but when you’re on a train, a bus or even in your own car life seems to slow right down and allows you time to think.

Twentieth Century life is extremely busy and gets exceedingly more so with new inventions and trends to keep up with. We rarely stop to truly take in surrounds, to finish thoughts, to think about friends we’ve not seen in a while or to come up with a story line for a book.

I often think this is why I enjoy laying on my bed and listening to music so much, maybe a podcast, or sticking my nose in a book. All of these activities force you to stop in this mad world and even if your mind is preoccupied with the lyrics or words so you don’t dedicate it to important thoughts then at least you’re truly relaxing.

I find public transport has this effect yet it’s one of the more hidden examples. Most of us actively know that we’re relaxing while reading or listening to the radio, but when on public transport your sometimes forget, merely taking that twenty minute journey for granted.

In terms of creativity twenty minutes can produce a lot of ideas, make you think about the different directions you could take with your work, perhaps even produce the beginning of a novel or the potential start of a new career.

I realise not everybody has the urge to write or be creative but still time on public transport can be powerful. It still gives you time in which you slow down, it allows you to think and it lets you consider tasks that you have to complete and gives you space to organise your chaotic mind.

Next time you’re on a train, a plane, a bus, a boat or in your car, notice what your mind is doing and feel the creative juices flow. Feel that relaxation that is so often overlooked when travelling from A to B.

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