Adulthood Observations

I am learning

At the age of twenty three I thought it inappropriate to write this week’s blog post focusing on the things that I have learnt in life due to the fact that it isn’t an overly huge amount so far.

I mean, of course there are billions of things I have learnt to improve my knowledge and understanding of this crazy world, but in terms of mastering valuable life lessons, the process is yet to be completed.

Therefore, I felt it much more accurate to talk about the things that I am learning as I grow and will hopefully have fully accomplished one day.

I am learning not to care so much what people think, a tricky one that I think takes years of practice.

I am learning to stick with what I love and to do it well. This is much better than doing something else that I think I should be doing purely based on other opinions, but only making a half halfhearted effort to do so.

I am learning that people don’t always mean what they say and sometimes they don’t necessarily say what they mean.

I am learning that a cup of tea solves any given situation, no matter how good or bad.

I am learning that there is always a reason to celebrate with a large glass of vino.

I am learning that a good laugh with good company is another form of therapy and sometimes a chat about absolutely nothing can help to clear out your mind.

I am learning that there are certain days when you just aren’t feeling it but after a good cry you’ll usually feel better and you will have your mojo back in no time at all.

I am learning that hormones are very real.

I am learning that when you feel sad about something, talking helps and even if you feel that the person you talk too has much more going on, your issue is yours and the majority of people are more than willing to help.

I am learning that some days just go your way and you feel great even if it is raining and dull outside.

I am learning that photos are the best keepsake to look back on when you feel that you begin to negatively evaluate your current position in life.

I am learning that time out is always needed, whether it’s a long weekend, an entire week or just half an hour on a really bad day.

I am learning that dogs are happiness with four legs and their presence makes your insides smile.

I am learning that that is a skill, to make your insides smile, and to keep everything in life close to you that makes this happen.

I am learning that you don’t have to hear people tell you that they love and care for you to know that they do. This emotion can come in so many different ways such as a message or phone call checking up on you. Perhaps they get you a present just because. They may hug you that bit tighter or smile a bit more when you enter the room. They may help you with a boring task that only benefits you. All of these are expressions of love.

I am learning when to keep thoughts in my head and how to hold my tongue and think before answering or saying something I will regret.

I am learning about toxic relationships and that holding grudges only makes your angrier, it is much better to listen to the old sayings and kill them with kindness.

I am learning to take a step outside your own head in times of anger because sometimes it is more within you than towards the given situation.

I am learning that jealousy is a bad trait but sometimes only natural.

I am learning that being happy for others and seeing the best in people are great traits to have.

I realise how unorganised this post is but I tried a little stream of consciousness exercise which turned into word vomiting out the things that I am beginning to learn. I am also fully aware that there is so much I could add to this but I will save those for now.


Keep on learning folks!



2 replies on “I am learning”

Looks like you’ve learnt so much already my lovely wish I had learnt those things at the beautiful age of 23…. still learning in my 40s…. something’s you will never learn or even get right … but I suppose that’s just being human….. keep your words coming they are lovely to read xx

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