
The calming influence of lavender

When life gets a little overwhelming, which it can do for us all, we have a variety of tricks up our sleeve to help us cope. Whether it’s taking a short break, having a large glass or seeking out a good friend, or all three and more, there are ways we seem to manage situations.

I wouldn’t say that I’ve mastered my coping mechanisms yet but I wouldn’t expect to have done at the ripe age of twenty three. However, I find I’m learning new methods all the time, avoiding those that don’t help and using the ones that do.

One day recently I felt particularly stressed. I had lots going on in my head, lots of writing to do from home, a busy shift at work and I didn’t know how I could fit everything in. A good friend of mine picked up on this a slotted a small care package in my handbag which I noticed upon arrival at the hospital to visit my Grandad that evening before a big operation – perfect timing I’d say. This put a smile on my face and gave me strength to keep that smile for my Grandad, not knowing what the next few days would hold.

Now, my friend is a firm believer of the healing, cooling and calming influence that lavender has and it’s many uses. We always joke and shout “put some lavender on it” no matter how dire the situation may be and how ridiculous the suggestion of lavender to solve it may seem. I’d be the first to make this joke and laugh while sat looking at my open wound on my knee waiting for her to find the trusty cure and dab copious amounts of lavender on it.

So, of course, inside my care package was a roll on lavender tube, a spray and eye drops to make a dig at how often my eyes look still drunk from the amount of alcohol I consumed the night before. I wouldn’t say that I’m fully converted, but I am beginning to turn to lavender for more reasons and more frequently.

Aside from the supposed healing affect it has, I find lavender so calming. The spray my friend gave me is one which should be sprayed on pillows and bed linen before you go to sleep to help relax you into a deep rest. Nature Love is the make, Aromatherapy Pillow Mist is the product, T K Max – go and hunt it down. It also states on the bottle that it can change the mood of the room if you spray it at any time of day. You can trust me on this, especially as a previous non-believer, because it really works.

The other night I lay restless and agitated and couldn’t figure out why. All evening I’d not been able to keep my eyes open so I knew how tired I was. It then came to me that I hadn’t sprayed my special spray and instantly after applying it, I felt calm and soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

Some of you will be on the side of my friend and where I’m headed, always having known the calming affect that lavender has. Others will be wondering how I put up with the strong smell at night. This spray however produces such a pleasant smell as it’s mixed with vanilla too and it’s so subtle but so effective that you hardly notice the impact until it’s not there.

I find I’m reaching to lavender in stressful situations more and it instantly chills me out. When travelling I’d often dab a bit on my pillow when I felt anxious. During new work environments and scary London offices I put a bit on my wrists to sniff when I felt like I didn’t belong. When I lay at night thinking I’m not good enough or stressing about my future and things I can’t change I dab an extra amount to get that whiff of calm. Whenever I feel stressed I have my roll on bottle to hand in my bag and I grab it, dab it and feel the soothing effect.

You may still be a non-believer, but trust me and give it a go. Try for yourself to see the calming influence that lavender has.

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